Wednesday 27 April 2011

Feijoa Frenzy

One thing I love about this time of year is that it's feijoa season! and luckily here in Auckland there is an abundance of feijoas to satisfy my cravings! I am a tad obsessed with them, to the point where I could eat 20+ in one sitting!! I am incredibly lucky that one of the many fruit trees in my amazing grandparents garden is a feijoa tree which year after year continues to produce a pretty decent feijoa crop, and this year has been no different. Once again this amazing tree has managed to generate a crop that does not disappoint!! (way better than store bought feijoas...they're just not the same!) We brought home 2 massive bags full a week ago and had to return over Easter weekend for more. I just can't get enough of them and am making the most of these little morsels before they disappear for another year!! The best thing is they're super healthy and filled with goodness!!

 I'm not sure about cooking with them however. I am seeing feijoa recipes pop up all over the place at the moment (obviously because it's the season!) but I haven't tasted anything that's made me go wow! The other day I was at a cafe and had a date and feijoa loaf which I felt didn't quite work. I'm sure there a some fantastic recipes out there, I did see a feijoa crumble recipe by Annabel White which looked quite good but I think the best way to enjoy feijoas is in their natural state! If you have an amazing feijoa recipe please share :) simran xx

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